HomePad - URL Redirect Service

URL- http://www.homepad.com
Description- HomePad is a URL forwarding service. They give you a ton of names to choose from. (Ooooooh! "I just can't wait to sign up for genxer.com"! A real bunch of idiots here...) But, in addition to a free redirect you get a big fat Popup window too! If you want to get rid of the popups follow the trick below:

Special thanks to Jarryd for sending these tips in to us.

This is a standard "hijack" [*] scheme for a Popup window. You open a window of your own with the same name as their window. Then, once you have control of the window, you close it. The only draw-back is that you DO see the window for a brief second, then it closes. Annoying, but effective - just insert the following code:

<TITLE>Your Title Goes Here</TITLE>

<script language="JavaScript">
var winname1="Hom";
var winname2="ePad";
var windowname=winname1+winname2;
arbitrary = window.open("http://yahoo.com", windowname,
// -->

<!-- Your Homepage Goes Here -->

Here is another way to kill the popup ads over on Homepad and all their other domains too - but, be warned! If you use this trick you will NOT be able to edit your keywords again! Make sure that you have the keywords and description that you want BEFORE you hit the "OK" button. What happens is that after doing this hack, when you go back to edit your preferences, the Keywords section and everything below it is GONE! This is quite similar to the TSX and V3 hacks. So, you may want to check them out too. Use this hack at your own risk! Just add this at the end of the field after your keywords:

"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JawaScript">

* The term "hijack" in reference to Popup Windows was coined by Bill Webb.
You can check out his site here- Counterexploitation and the FWP   
(launches in a new window).

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