Technosite Exchange

Description- TSX is a popular URL redirection company. They have an option called "Site Hide" that hides your REAL URL from your visitors and gives you a big fat Popup Ad. Under your settings turn off Site Hide, or if you want to use it, follow the instructions below to kill the Popup Ad.

TSX Solution Number One by JohnC

Check out This will not only MASK your URL but it will also kill the popup! It redirects to here - if you don't feel like going to TSX (or if it gets cancelled!) If you want the full source just click the "View Source" button on his page.

TSX Solution Number Two by sonofsamiam

If you use the trick below, you will get locked out of your TSX "account preferences" permanently! This really sucks since you can't go back and update your URL or anything else. But, thanks to sonofsamiam now you can! Even though you get locked out of your TSX preferences, you can bookmark the one here (or download it to your hard-drive) so if you ever need to update your TSX page, you can get in there to do it!

Special thanks to gulli for sending this tip in to us: -=+|gullisworld|+=- .

If you want to keep "Site Hide" and still disable the Popup ad, follow the trick below. It works by tricking the browser with the good old "Jawascript" tag... like so:

Go ahead enter your TSX preferences area, and turn on "Site Hide" and type your description like normal. Then, at the VERY end of the description line (in the form) put in this line exactly as shown:

"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JawaScript"><"

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