
URL- http://www.xoom.com
Description- Xoom does not have Popups ads. What they do have is: SPAM, lots of Advertising, and a New and Improved "Ad Frame" to ruin your web site and chase your guests away. But, don't write them off, because they DO offer unlimited space to build your homepage. Just follow the tip below to fix that little "bug" known as the "Xoom Bar".


Special thanks to Counterexploitation and the Free Webpage Provider for this code.

We've have heard rumors that Xoom actively searches for the Javascript code that defeats the Xoom bar. So, if you add in plain-text Javascript to break your page out of the frame, they might just find and delete you. So, here is the same code, but this time it's ENCRYPTED in hex! The server won't even know it's there, and you won't have a Xoom bar anymore...

<SCRIPT Language="javascript">
<!-- your homepage goes here -->

*Important! - This whole string of code should be on ONE line. Don't break it up or separate it with spaces. The reason it is separated here is because my tables cause it to wrap to the next line. Don't use it on your page like this! To see an example of how it should be: view the Source Code of this page (Go to VIEW on your menubar and select SOURCE).

Special thanks to Krale for sending the tip below. By putting " /_XOOM/ " in your URL you can eliminate the Xoom Bar. It works because the first URL is just a gateway (CGI) to the second. Here's how it works -

Say, for example, that your URL at Xoom is:

You would just start creating all your HTML links like so:
( Don't forget the underscore _ in front of the word XOOM! )

To REALLY make it easy for your guests, go to some URL redirect service (like V3 - http://come.to/) and sign up for a nice URL like - http://surf.to/yourpage. Then, have this short and simple address redirect visitors to your long and confusing XOOM address. Believe me, your guests will thank you in the long-run!

If the methods listed above won't work for you, you can always fall back on the old Javascript trick to breakout of frames:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
<!-- begin hiding
  if (parent.frames.length)
  top.location.href= document.location;
// done hiding -->
<!-- your homepage goes here -->

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