
URL- http://www.web1000.com
Description- Web1000 is similar to WebJump. They offer annoying Ad frames and Passive Popup ads that appear BEHIND the main window to appear like they are thoughtful Popup abusers. They host sites with Adult content (XXX and porn). Here is how to stop their nefarious little plan:

Special thanks to Bill Webb for sharing this Javascript code:
Counterexploitation and the Free Webpage Provider.

And, also thanks to popBusters for sharing additional information with us:

The Web1000 "passive popup" is particularly nasty in that it is loaded via a separate frameset, so its JavaScript code cannot be acted upon directly. Like the Digiweb and Spaceports popups, the popup window must be hijacked when it appears.

<script language="JavaScript">
if (parent.frames.length)
top.location.href= document.location;
var timing=0;
var newpage="protest.htm";
var wndname="po"+"pWind"+"ow";

function andStayOut(){
  if (tasteful!=null){
       // tasteful.close();
       if (tasteful.location.href!=newpage){
    } else {
  if(timing<120) setTimeout("andStayOut()",1000);
// -->

<!-- The rest of your homepage goes here -->


The split up of "popWindow" is to foil any server-side process that attempts to find anyone trying to mess with their Popup windows. This way, if they try to spot violators by searching for "popWindow", you won't be discovered.

The file "protest.htm" is the name of a file to replace the popup window with. If you store this page on Webjump's server, be sure to access it with a relative URL (for example: "page.htm") and not an absolute URL (example: "http://yoursite.webjump.com/page.htm"), otherwise the adframe and another popup will be tacked onto your replacement page.

If you don't want to write a protest page and would rather just close the popup window, load some random page (example: http://www.infoseek.com) in place of "protest.htm", then uncomment "tasteful.close()" to close the Popup ad window (just remove the //).

The "andStayOut()" function first checks to see if the popup window exists...if it does, it will either change its URL to whatever is set for newpage or close the popup window entirely (depending on whether or not you uncomment "tasteful.close()". If not, it will set a timer to run the function again in 1 second, in the event the popup appears/changes between runs. This continues for two minutes (plenty of time for the popup to appear), then the script stops executing.

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