
URL- http://www.hypermart.net
Description- Hypermart pages must be commercial in nature. HyperMart does not host personal Web pages. They are quite smug about it too. When you sign up it says: "If you are interested in removing the mandatory banners from the pages of your site, you may want to upgrade your account to Ad-Free hosting." Is this like Super-sizing your homepage? Here are the instructions you need to fry the Popups on Hypermart:

Special thanks to CCJX for sending this tip in to us. Just put some NOSCRIPT tags around the #echo banner comment to get rid of the Popup Ads:

<!-- your homepage goes here -->
<!--#echo banner=""-->

Here is the "OFFICIAL" explanation that comes from Hypermart when you sign-up. So, if you don't want to risk getting your page deleted for screwing with the advertising, just change your settings to dispay Banners instead of Popup Ads.

We use a special ad tag that helps our server make a determination between whether an ad should be placed on your pages or in a pop-up window. Our Web server looks for the "<!--#echo banner=""-->" tag on each of your pages. If our server finds this tag, it will insert a banner ad on your page, and it will not deliver a pop-up. If it doesn't find this tag, a pop-up window will automatically come up with a banner advertisement inside.

This "<!--#echo banner=""-->" tag is automatically inserted into new pages that you upload to HyperMart when you toggle "Auto Ad" insertion to "On." You can toggle "Auto Ad" insertion to the "On" or "Off" position at http://www.hypermart.net/members/utilities/file/toggle.html. When you first upload pages to HyperMart, the "Auto Ad" insertion is toggled "Off."

If you want the banner ads on your pages and not in pop-ups: Toggle "Auto Ad" insertion to the "On" position before FTPing any files. The "<!--#echo banner=""-->" tag will automatically be inserted into your pages immediately after the body tag. Or, if you have "Auto Ad" insertion toggled to the "Off" position, you can manually place the "<!--#echo banner=""-->" tag on your pages, and the banner ads will be delivered on your pages.

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