Digiweb Hosting

URL- http://www.digiweb.com
Description- Try the cool trick below to get rid of the stupid Popup window.

Special thanks to Bill Webb for sharing this tip along with many more on his site:
Counterexploitation and the Free Webpage Provider.

Digiweb popups are inserted at the very beginning of the HTML document in an attempt to make them hard to beat. Additionally, a server-side script scans all incoming pages for evidence of popup tampering, inserting a dire, Big-Brother-Is-Watching alert message on any pages it finds pop-blocking code on.

These tamper protections have earned these particular popups the moniker of "mercenary pops". Since they can't be hidden from the browser (with <noscript>, comment tags, etc.), the only recourse is to "hijack" the ad window and close it and/or replace it with a message of your own choosing.

---- this is the digiweb script that is automatically inserted in your page : --------
<script language="JavaScript">
wpadwindow = window.open("http://freecenter.digiweb.com/ad.fwad","adwindow","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,width=530,height=115");
var NavName = navigator.appName;
var NavVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (NavName=='Netscape'){
if (NavName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
   var mssux = 1;

---------- this is the script that you add to the page : --------------------
<script language="JavaScript">
var winname1="adw";
var winname2="indow";
var windowname=winname1+winname2;
billwebb = window.open("http://www.paradigm.nu/popupsmustdie/solutions/digiweb_msg.htm", windowname, "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,width=530,height=230");

// billwebb.close();


<!-- Your homepage goes here -->

---------- here's how it works : --------------------

The URL marked in green is the address of a replacement page to load into the hijacked popup window, since we can't prevent the window from opening. This URL must point to a file outside the afflicted server, otherwise pop code added to that file will foil the fix. If you don't have an account on another (pop-free) server, you can just load any old page in there, e.g. infoseek.com. Particularly if you load a random page into the popup window, you might want to close it right away instead of letting it remain open. To do this, uncomment billwebb.close(); (by removing the //).

Also, note the height= and width= attributes in the window.open statement. When you hijack the window, you can change its size too!

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