Pretty Hate Machine : Sin

The Lyrics:

you give me the reason
you give me control
I gave you my Purity
my Purity you stole
did you think I wouldn't recognize this compromise
am I just too stupid to realize
stale incense old sweat and lies lies lies
it comes down to this
your kiss
your fist
and your strain
it get's under my skin
take in the extent of my sin
you give me the anger
you give me the nerve
carry out the sentence
well I get what i deserve
I'm just an effigy to be defaced
to be disgraced
your need for me has been replaced
and if I can't have everything well then just give me a taste
it comes down to this
your kiss
your fist
and your strain
it get's under my skin
take in the extent of my sin

Nine Inch Nails Interpretations

(Pre 5-12-98)
I can pretty much understand what Trent is saying in this song.

"You give me the reason.
You give me control."

I was pretty pathetic up until a week ago. I had never experienced any type of intimate relations with a girl. Since I had never done this and I had been waiting for a while, I wanted it to be special the first time. I soon found a girl who I thought I loved. She gave me control and let me do anything.

"I gave you my purity.
My purity you stole."

I had my fitrst sexual experience ever with this girl, and she took it completely for granted.

"Did you think I wouldn't recognize this compromise.
am i just too stupid to realize.
stale incense old sweat and lies lies lies"

I told her that I love her and she said she loved me too. I just let my hormones take over and I gave into my lust. I knew she really didn't love me.

" it comes down to this. your kiss. your fist. and your strain.
it get's under my skin. within.
take in the extent of my sin"

I gave up everything I've ever done with a girl to her. Yes, she was even my first kiss (I'm 16 and pathetic). The fact is that all of this happened on the same day.....and the next day she dumped me (after knowing each other for two weeks).

"you give me the anger.
you give me the nerve.
carry out the sentence.
i get what i deserve."

I chose the things that I did with her. She didn't force me. It was the heat of the moment, and now I regret it.

"i'm just an effigy to be defaced.
to be disgraced.
your need for me has been replaced."

As I said, she never really loved me. I though about her 24 hours a day, but I bet she couldn't say the same. Now any feelings that she did have for me are gone.

"and if i can't have everything well then just give me a taste."

I would basically kill just to kiss her one more time.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a Christian who is anti-premaritual sex or anything. I just think that the firrst time you do something sexual should be special, and for me it's kind of a tradegy. I didn't lose my virginity to her, but I came close and did many other things. Trent, if you're listening, I might be able to relate. Thank you!


Nine Inch Nails Interpretations

(Pre 5-12-98)
Keeping this as uncorny as possible: I always related to this song a great deal. How do you tell someone who you really are, when the person you really are is dangerous? This song is one that makes me think of some nights when I can't talk to my friends or anyone else, and I just wander the streets, looking for... sombody, I don't know. Something maybe. No one goes around at night in the area I live, so I'm always alone out there. Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I ran into somebody. Whether I would say hi, ignore them or kill them or what. I picture this song as someone trying to explain to someone else just how fucked up they really are.


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