
Every month, I'm going to specify a certain NIN song that I'm requesting your interpretations of. Not only do you get to share your ideas with the thousands of people who visit my site, but each contribution adds to the overall quality of this site, making it a more valuable NIN resource.

This month's song is The Pefect Drug from the soundtrack to Lost Highways This will be the first non-halo NIN song to be interpretated at this site.

The song that was the challenge for last month was That's What I Get. The interpretations should be put up on or around April 20th.

Please contribute your ideas to this NIN forum...fill out the form below..

Enter (Nick)Name:

Enter E-mail Address (optional):

Please enter your interpretation of this song below~

Please write at least a paragraph (the more, the better) and be serious, if you want your ideas to be included.  Thank you.

Thank you